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                       The Third Day                    Back
Tuesday: 29/11/2005

Ninth Session                                                                           9:30-11:00
The Role of the Arab Civil Society Organizations and Media in the Arab – Israeli Conflict… Through 2015

Chairman: HE Mr. Adnan Imran/Syria
1.  Role of Public Associations and Civil Society Organizations in the Conflict in Palestine through 2015
Mr. Fares Abu Al-Hassan/Palestine
2.  Role of Civil Society Organizations in the Countries (Egypt, Syria,Lebanon, Jordan) Involved in the Conflict through 2015.
Mr. Maen Bshoor/ Lebanon
3.  Future of the Arab Civil Society Organizations in the Conflict through 2015
Mr. Abed Alqader Azraih/Morocco
4.  Role of National Studies and Information Centers in the Conflict through 2015.
Prof. Muhammad Al Saeed Edreis/ Egypt
5.  Role of the Media Organizations in the Conflict through 2015
Mr. Salah Abed Al-Maqsood/ Egypt

TEA BREAK                                                                              11:00-11:15

Tenth Session                                                                         11:15-13:30
The Limitations for Building the Scenarios of the Arab – Israeli conflict through 2015

Chairman: HE Mr. Taher Al-Masri /Jordan
1.  Limitations from an Arab Perspective
Prof. Majdi Hammad / Egypt
2.  Limitations a Palestinian Perspective
Dr. Sameer Awad/Palestine
3.  Limitations from an Israeli Perspective
Dr. Ibrahim Abu Jaber / Palestine

LUNCH BREAK                                                                        13:30-16:00

Eleventh Session                                                                    16:00-17:30
Scenarios of the Arab –Israeli conflict through 2015,Options and Alternatives

Chairman: Dr. Nasser Taha / Yemen
1.  Options and Alternatives from an Arab perspective
Prof. Mustafa Alwi/ Egypt
2.  Options and Alternatives from an Palestinian Perspective
Prof. Ahmad Nufal / Jordan

Closing Session                                                                      17.30-18.15

Round Table Discussion
The Draft of the Strategic Vision of the Possible Scenarios to the conflict through 2015

Its Challenges and Opportunities.

How Arab Might Respond Appropriately?

Closing words                                                                      Top  Back

The First Day: Sunday 27/11/2005 

The Second Day: Monday 28/11/2005

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