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                      The Second Day                                             Back
Monday 28/11/2005

Fifth Session                                                                                 9:30-11:00 The Future of the Traditional Strategic Balance in the Arab –Israeli Conflict

Chairman: General Mahmoud Erdeesat/ Jordan
1.  Strategic Balance of Both Sides through 2015: An Arab Perspective
Prof. Dari Rasheed Al-Yaseen / Iraq
2.  Strategic Balance of Both Sides through 2015:  An Israeli Perspective
Brigadier General Elyas Hana /Lebanon
3.  Developments in the Traditional Military Balance of Both Sides through 2015
General Musa Al-Hadeed / Jordan
4.  The Experience of the Palestinian Resistance in the Conflict and Its Prospects Through 2015
Dr. Yousif Rizqa/Palestine

TEA BREAK                                                                                  11:00-11:15

Sixth Session                                                             11:15-12:45
The Future of the Strategic Balance between the both sides

Chairman: Fahad Abu Al-Ethem/ Jordan
1. Propositions of the Unconventional Deterrence of Both Sides and its Consequences through 2015
Dr. Muhamad Abdel Salam/Egypt
2. Developments of Unconventional Military Strategies of Both Side through 2015
Prof. Munther Sulyman / Lebanon
3. Role of External Forces in the Military and Political Intervention in the Conflict Situation in the Region.
General Muhammad Ali Belal/ Egypt

LUNCH BREAK (Hosted by Jordan Engineers Association)           13:20-16:00

Seventh Session                                                                   16:00-17:30    The perceptions of both sides regarding the Future of the Conflict Through 2015

Chairman: Dr. Esmaeel Al-Shatti/ Kuwait
1. The Political Well of Both Sides, its Consequences and Influencing Factors through 2015.
Prof. Abdulla Al-Ashal / Egypt
2.  An Arab Perspective on the Conflict and its Consequences through2015.
Dr. Emad Jad / Egypt
3.  A Palestinian Perspective on the Conflict through 2015
Dr. Ahmad Ra'aft Ghadba / Palestine
4.  An Israeli Perspective on the Conflict through 2015.
Dr. Azmi Beshara / Palestine

TEA BREAK                                                                                  17:30-17:45

Eighth Session                                                                          17:45-19:15 The Perceptions of the International Parties regarding the Future of the Conflict… through 2015

Chairman: Prof.  Khaleel Al-Hedeethi/ Iraq
1.  A United States Perspective on the Conflict through 2015
Dr. Sabri Sameera/ Jordan
2.  Islamic States Perspective (Turkish, Iran, Pakistan) on the Conflict through 2015.
Prof. Abed Al-Fattaah Al-Rashdan /Jordan
3.  A European Union Perspective on  the Conflict through 2015
Dr. Ahmad Al-Bursan/ Jordan
4.  The Perspective of other Super Power (Russian, China, Japan, India) on the Conflict through 2015 
Dr. Nurhan Al-Sheikh / Egypt                                                
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The First Day: Sunday 27/11/2005

The Third Day: Tuesday: 29/11/2005

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