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Conference Program


Opening words


Conference in Media

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Conference Declaration

Closing Words

Media Communication

Conference Map

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Chairmen of the Sessions

(Names in the Sessions order)



HE Dr.Muhsen Al-Einy

Former prime Minister/ Yemen

HE Mr. Rafieq Al-Natshi

Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council / Palestine

HE Dr.  Saleem Al-Hoss

Former Prime Minister of Lebanon 

HE Mr. Fahmi Hewaidi

Political  Analyst and Expert /Egypt

HE  General Mahmoud Erdeesat

Chairman of the Strategic Studies Centre at the National Defence College/Jordan

HE Mr.Fahad Abu-Alethim Former Minister of state for Legal Affairs/Jordan

HE Dr. Ismael Shatti

Chairman of the Gulf Institute for Strategic Studies/Kuwait

Prof.Khalil Al-Hadythi Professor of International Law/ Iraq

HE Mr. Adnan Amran

Former Minister of Information/ Syria

HE Mr. Taher Al-Masri

Former Prime Minister of Jordan/Jordan
HE Dr.Nasser Taha Mustafa General Director of Yemeni press Agency/ Yemen

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