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                        The First Day                     Back
Sunday 27/11/2005

Opening Session                                                                         9:30-10:30
1.  Mr. Jawad Al-Hamad/ Director of the Middle East Studies Center
2.  HE Dr. Saleem Al-Hoss/ Former Prime Minister/Lebanon
3. HE Mr. Abdel Hadi Al-Majali/ Chairman of Representative Council / Jordan.
4. HE Mr. Saleem Al-Zanoon/Chairman of the Palestinian National Council  PLO
5.  HE Mr. Amro Musa/ Secretary General of the Arab League

TEA BREAK                                                                       10:30-10:45  

First Session                                                                       10:45-12:15 Arab - Israeli conflict and its impacts in the 20th  century

Chairman: HE Dr. Muhsen Al-Ayni/Yemen
1.  Islamic and Arabic Project in a Century: Achievements, Failures, and New Directions.
Prof. Radwan Al-Saiyed / Lebanon
2.  Zionism's Project in a Century: Achievements, Failures and New Directions.
Prof. Rashad Al-Shami / Egypt
3.  Arab-Israeli Conflict and its Impacts on both sides.
Prof. Nitham Barakat/ Jordan

  Second Session                                                                      12:20-13:50

The International and Regional Frame which related to the Conflict 

Chairman: HE Mr. Rafiq Al-Natsheh/Palestine
1.  The Nature of the Existing International and Regional Alliances and 
      Associations related to the conflict

Dr. Waheed Abed Al-Majeed/ Egypt
2.  The Impact of the International Developments on the Elements and
      Directions of the Conflict after 11th of September, 2005

Dr. Muhammad Al-Besher/ Saudi Arabia
3.  The Elements of Strength and Weakness on both sides, and the
      Dynamics of the Internal and External Interaction

Dr. Talal Atreesi/Lebanon

LUNCH BREAK (Hosted by addustour Newspaper)                        13:50-16:00

Third Session                                                                            16:00-17:30
The Peace Process Experience 1978-2005 and its Impacts on the Conflict Through 2015


Chairman: Dr. Saleem Al-Hoss / Lebanon

1.  The Camp David Agreement and the Egyptian Experience of the Peace Process.
Dr. Hassan Nafa'ah

2.  The Madrid Peace Conference: A New Transformation in the Peace Process.
Prof. George Jaboor / Syria

3.  Oslo and Wadi Araba Agreements and the Continuity of the Peace Process.
Dr. Thyab Makhadma / Jordan

4.  Strategies of Israeli Negotiation and Role in the Peace Process.
General Dr. Zakareya Hussein/ Egypt

5.  Practical Results of the Peace Process and its Future Prospects.
Dr. Ra'ad Al-Neirat / Palestine

TEA BREAK                                                                             17:30 -17:45

Fourth Session                                                                         17:45-19:15 Intellectual, Economic and Social Aspects in the Arab-Israeli conflict… through 2015


Chairman: Mr. Fahmi Howaidi / Egypt
1. The Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Conflict and its Influencing factors through 2015.
Mr. Salman Al-Natoor / Palestine
2. The Economic Dimension of the Conflict and its Influencing factors through 2015
Prof. Azeiz Haider / Palestine
3.The Civilization and Intellectual Dimensions in the conflict through 2015
Prof. Abdel Ellah Balqeez / Morocco                                                  Top  Back

The Second Day: Monday 28/11/2005

The Third Day: Tuesday: 29/11/2005

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